At Syfe, we use a data-driven approach that considers factors such as diversification, cost effectiveness, and long-term wealth generation. While fundamental analysis is not the sole determinant, it does play a role in the selection of individual stocks within the Smart Basket. Our wealth professionals construct the Smart Baskets to be diversified across various asset classes, time horizons, risk levels, and geographies, with the objective of providing investors with a well-rounded investment solution.
For example, the Conservative Growth Smart Basket has an objective of conservative growth and income generation, and it has a primary allocation to bonds with some allocation to equities and gold for added diversification. Investors with shorter time horizons who are looking for stable returns with low volatility and drawdowns may find this Smart Basket attractive.
Smart Baskets do not consider and are not tailored to your individual goals and circumstances, and are not to be regarded as personal advice. You are advised to read and understand the descriptions and compositions of the various Smart Baskets so as to have a good understanding of the underlying investments and to ascertain if they are suitable for you. You may also wish to discuss the appropriateness of any particular Smart Basket for your personal financial circumstances with your own independent financial adviser.
Finally, while our team of wealth professionals take into account all relevant information when deciding (a) which constituents should be included in a given Smart Basket, (b) each constituent’s respective allocation within a Smart Baskets, and (c) each Smart Basket’s rating in terms of characteristics such as investment time horizon and suitable risk appetite, this is done based on information that is current at the time of the analysis and that is available to Syfe. All investment involves risks, and you should place Smart Basket orders only if such risks are acceptable to you.