If your order was canceled, you can find the details in the Order details section of the menu. There are various reasons why an order may be canceled. Some possible reasons include:
- ASX/CBOE Operating Rules and ASIC Market Integrity Rules: All orders must comply with these rules to ensure a fair and transparent market. If a breach is suspected, the Market Participant or the exchange may cancel the order
- Trade Vetting Rules: Syfe and its Market Participant have Trade Vetting Rules to ensure that orders do not breach any market rules. If it's detected that an order may breach the rules or cause a disorderly market, it may be canceled before it reaches the market.
- Corporate Actions: Orders may be canceled before a corporate action event that affects the value or structure of the unit holding. Examples of corporate actions include dividends, capital returns, and share offerings.
- Expired Orders: If your order does not trade on the day you place it, it will expire 30 days after you place the order.
- Minimum Marketable Parcel Requirement: If you are trying to purchase a stock or ETF that is not among the top 1000 ASX stocks and ETFs by market cap, and the trade value is below $500, your order may be rejected. This is because ASX has a minimum trade value requirement of $500 for stocks and ETFs.